Tuesday, November 22, 2011

almost finished!

tweedledee and tweedledum look great underneath this tree.

This pebble path works well, especially since it was so well glazed making it shiny so it catches our eye.

The roses have been evenly placed in this mosaic background and it has made a really nice area in the mosaic to look at.

filling in the mural with mosaic

The students have decorated their ceramic pieces very carefully, making them very colourful and professional. They look great with the coloured mosaic surrounding them.

putting it together

the ceramic peices that are ready from firing are glued to the mural first, and then the broken tiles are used to mosaic the background.

glazing and gluing

Above: the girls are glazing the individual ceramic pieces, ready to go into the kiln for the glaze firing.

The ceramic pieces are glued onto the blueboard. Here the girls are using a glue called "Supermastic".

Above: The design needs to be drawn onto the blueboard base and the ceramic works are traced onto the board, so that their size in the design is drawn correctly.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What beautiful work!

continuing to add the colours

The girls are continuing to colour their work carefully, using the underglazes. Underglazes are a mixture of clay, 'pigment' ( ingredients that make colours that can withstand firing to 1100 degrees) and a painting medium.